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An overview about TimeWatcher
Explains the TimeWatcher functions useful for business
Explains the TimeWatcher functions useful for families
The TimeWatcher Network functions
The TimeWatcher Network member functions
How TimeWatcher can protect you computer
Here you can download TimeWatcher
Here you can register TimeWatcher
Frequently asked questions about TimeWatcher
Some screenshots
Links to pages about setting up TCP/IP networks
The history of the versions of TimeWatcher
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To give you an overview about the many functions of TimeWatcher, here are some screenshots of the TimeWatcher dialogs

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With this dialog it is possible to control the client computers over the network

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This dialog gives the administrator an overview about the network member accounts. In the upper right, TimeWatcher displays detailed information about the selected Network Member

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This is the Main Dialog of TimeWatcher, which is displayed when the computer is locked. The main dialog can have different controls, depending on which functions are activated in the Options Dialog.

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This is the Dialog, which is displayed if TimeWatcher needs and authorisation from the user.

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If the computer is unlocked and TimeWatcher is running, it displays this dialog. The user knows exactly, how much computer time he has left.

Last update: July 29, 2001 - email: support